Vision History and Purpose of CTL

CTL was first active in the Spokane area in the fall of 2001, with a starting group of fifty-seven men. Chosen To Lead Family Ministries was officially established under the guidance, support and direction of the local church in the fall of 2004.  Steve Altmeyer, the founder of CTL, envisioned, with a strong passion, the advancement of the Kingdom of God, one family at a time through the development of godly lifestyles of men.  These men who willfully and enthusiastically accepted God's command to lead would then take their calling to lead into their families, the church, and workplace. He knew that the daily practice of these spiritual disciplines in a man's life, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, would bring glory to God, by advancing God's Kingdom in these arenas of life.


Having been raised in the church and growing up in a Christian home does not guarantee that a man will know his calling or purpose in life.  when God chose Abraham to establish His Covenant with man, He had a definite purpose that is made very clear in Genesis 18:19 NAS "For I have chosen him, in order that he man command his children and household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice." this verse is the theme verse of CTL Family Ministries.  We, as men are called and chosen by God for the same purpose: to lead lives of righteousness, and train our children to know and keep God's word.  The ministry was established to help men to help men understand and move forward to fulfill this great calling by providing a ministry of encouragement, vision, training, and discipleship.  CTL is designed to help men move from being a spectator to being that of an impact player in the game of life: choosing to lead, as God has ordained.